The Amboy Rifle Club does have its own internal pistol league.
* 20 weeks of shooting in pistol league.
* Pistol league starts on Sunday, October 8, 2023.
* Pistol league ends on Sunday, March 3, 2024.
* Each week of shoot begins on the Sunday and ends on that following Saturday, no exceptions.
* Cost is $20.00 to register, payable prior to the start of October 8, 2023.
* Cost to shoot per week for the 20 weeks is $5.00 per week.
* Caliber pistol to be used is .22
* 3 target rounds (NRA complaint targets are provided at no additional cost to the pistol league shooter)
1. Slow fire (B2 target) 10 shots, completed in 10 minutes
2. Timed fire (B3 target) 2 rounds, each round to have 5 shots, each round to be completed in 20 seconds
3. Rapid fire (B3 target) 2 rounds, each round to have 5 shots, each round to be completed in 10 seconds
* Timed rounds can be accomplished by any of the listed methods:
1. Verbal directive by RSO, or other member under the safety protocols, if available using the approved timed device.
2. Timer provided by the club on the rear wall of the range.
3. Tablet provided by the club.
4. Download an app to your cell phone to assist in your timed shoots.
* Firearm to be pointed and fired safely down-range during the above rounds with one hand holding the firearm while the other hand or anything else is NOT providing any type of support.
* If you cannot make a weekly shoot due to some unforeseen circumstance, never fear. You can complete your weekly shoot by any one of the 3 methods listed below:
1. Shooting the weekly shoot on time during that week. Your scoring counts towards individual and team score.
2. Shoot ahead. Your scoring counts towards individual and team score. No limit on the amount of shoot ahead permitted.
3. Make-up. Your scoring counts only for individual but NOT for team score. No limit on the amount of make-up permitted.
* Weekly shooting can be conducted individually, groups, with family, with friends, just safely enjoy do it.
If you are interested in participating in the pistol league please contact
Paula Brady at or 440.209.7148